Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Selfless Act By A Wonderful Man

Since Ken was our blogger last week and announced our most amazing news, this week I wanted to share my feelings with all of you who have been walking with us on this journey.
When Alex first told us he was going to be tested as a potential donor, I was shocked.  This young man was willing to give his kidney to his father-in-law. During the testing process, the staff at Ochsner Hospital said this was the first son-in-law to donate a kidney to his father-in-law. This just begins to show the magnitude of this selfless act of love. Alex was tested from his head all the way to his toes, and some tests done twice. He completed the testing during a few trips back and forth to New Orleans over the course of a few months. There were some problems during the process and I, the perpetual worrier, started to WORRY!!!!!! I was always worried about Ken, but now I was worried about Alex.  I wanted the very best for Ken, and I would move mountains to help him lead a full life again, but I am also a mother. I felt like this was too much of a burden for Alex and Kelly to carry. I thought I could see worry in their eyes too. Ken and I realized we had to become more proactive in the search for kidney transplant options. We contacted University of Alabama-Birmingham Kidney Center to find out information on its Paired Kidney Exchange Program.  We found information on research programs that are trying to grow kidneys for patients on the transplant list.  And finally Greg and Camille talked to us about starting a blog.  Seeing the outpouring of love from all of you following the blog, we were reinvigorated with hope and more determined than ever to find Ken a kidney. And then, we got that AMAZING phone call from Alex and Kelly informing us that Alex was a match.

I am so happy for Ken, but of course nervous and anxious.  I am so thankful to Alex and Kelly, but also nervous and anxious for them.  This is where I rely on my faith. I have to give these worries to the Lord.  As one of Ken’s sisters so beautifully reminded us, Kelly chose to go to a school in Clemson, SC – neither Ken nor I knew anything about Clemson.  She met a young man her senior year named Alex and they fell in love. They got married a few years later. And now he is giving his kidney to her father, Ken.  Just a coincidence? I don’t think so, that is a divine plan. 

I also wanted to say a special thank you to Alex’s parents, Ginger and Sandy. You raised a wonderful young man.  I know how proud you are of him.  I will always remember talking to Ginger and expressing my worries and fears. I told her I did not want Alex to do this and she told me what her minister said. “How many people get the opportunity to give the gift of life to someone in their lifetime?” The Roig family is so incredibly blessed to have Alex and his family in our lives.

Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone for their messages of joy and hope after hearing the news last week. It was our dream that one day Ken would be writing that blog and thanks to Alex that dream has come true.  We are very excited to document the process ahead in many interactive ways and have you all be a part of it. We consider you all members of our family and we will go through this together. As always, thank you for your continued support and love.

Until next time, may the Lord carry us on our journey,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Greatest Gift

Hi All,

My name is Ken … that’s right, the Ken of this blog “A Kidney for Ken”. First of all, I would like to personally thank each one of you for caring enough about me, my family, and this cause to spend time every week reading our blog.  Today I wanted to share some amazing news with you. After several months of extensive testing, my son-in-law is officially a match. I have found a kidney! We are scheduling the transplant surgery for late August. As you can imagine, I’m still in shock, but so grateful to my son-in-law for this gift of life.  His selfless love continues to blow me away, and he will always have a special place in my heart. For so many years battling this disease, I found myself asking "Why me? Why am I so unlucky?" Today I ask myself "Why am I so lucky?" I can't answer that one exactly, but know that my faith in God, and the unconditional love from family and friends like you have gotten me to this point. And so it is only right that I share this wonderful news with all of you today.

I would be remiss if I didn't recognize a number of special people in my life starting with my better half… my wife of almost 40 years.  Pat has been my angel in caring for me while I’ve been on dialysis for the last year.  I can’t imagine surviving this past year without her selfless love, commitment, and encouragement.  She has been my “ROCK” and I love her very much.   Next are my 3 wonderful children.  In fact, my son and daughter-in-law were instrumental in creating this blog.  They along with my wife have been committed to getting the message out for my need of a kidney.  Their efforts have been remarkable. I also want to thank my son for the beautiful words he wrote about me on this blog, very touching and heart warming.  My two daughters have also been so supportive.  My oldest daughter has three wonderful daughters…my precious granddaughters.  Next to my own children they are the pride and joy of my life and are one of the reasons I have been so steadfast in finding a kidney.  I look forward to sharing my time with them for many years to come.  My oldest daughter has been caring and loving during my journey and she is always there to lend her support and love.  I want to thank her husband as well who was willing to get tested as a potential donor too.  His willingness to do that was very touching and appreciated.  My youngest daughter also holds such a special place in my heart. Although she lives out of town, her concern and love has been unwavering during the past year.  And of course, her husband, my kidney donor, who has decided to give me the greatest gift of all, the gift of life. He is truly an inspiring and remarkable man.

Through this blog, we have asked you to follow our journey to find a kidney for me. Today a new journey begins. And I invite and ask all of you to keep following along. We will be documenting the entire kidney transplant process on this blog starting now up to the surgery and through my recovery. It is time for me to “pay it forward," and help educate and support the many families out there in our situation. We will continue to be advocates for kidney disease patients, and through our own experiences over the next several months share our stories of hope and faith.

Again I can only say thank you.  Your love and support means everything to me.  As I continue my journey, I thank God for my son-in-law and this wonderful gift he has given me.  God bless all of you and continue to keep me in your prayers as I will keep you in my prayers.

Until next time, may the Lord carry us on our journey,

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Help Us Help Others

Sometimes it takes a tragedy to make us see the true meaning of our journey here on earth.  This week my daughter’s friends buried their precious 21-month-old daughter.  I realize we never know what is going to happen to us on this journey through life.  But I do know we can’t do it without faith.  Faith is the glue that holds us together through the joys and sorrows in our life.  I started thinking about all my friends and family members.  Every one of them has a story to tell about this journey through life.  How many people keep their struggles and their pain to themselves – not wanting to burden others?  I know I have done that many times in my life.  I do tend to share my joyful moments but keep the painful ones inside not wanting to burden others.  Maybe we all need to share these sorrows too!  

Life is so short and we need to celebrate the beauty that is around us.  We need to say “I love you” more.  We need to give hugs and kisses more.  We need to truly listen to those around us more.  We need to laugh more.  We need to sing and dance more.  We need to play more.  We need to be more “childlike”.  We need to cherish our family and friends.  And we need to thank God each and every day for all the blessings He has given us. 

In supporting our blog, you are aware that we are doing everything in our power to find a kidney for Ken.  But our mission goes beyond this.  We are advocates for all families out there seeking kidney transplants. S. 1454 /H. R. 2969 is arguably one of the most significant pieces of legislation for kidney transplant patients since the ESRD coverage decision in 1972.  This legislation would extend Medicare coverage of immunosuppressive drugs for transplant recipients who are under age 65 and who under current law lose their Medicare 36 months after receiving their transplant.  Families like mine are depending on this legislation to pass in order to make sure they are able to afford and receive the life-saving medications needed after a kidney transplant.

MY CALL TO ACTION FOR YOU IS TO CLICK ON THE E-ADVOCACY SYSTEM LINK BELOW.  You will be taken to a page where you can take action.  You simply need to fill out a few fields with your contact information and submit.  It will only take a few minutes of your time.  The advocacy message has already been written and will be delivered to your congressional delegation based on your location.

One of NKF's top legislative priorities is S. 1454 / H.R. 2969, to help kidney transplant recipients obtain the life-saving immunosuppressive medications that are necessary to maintain the viability of their new kidney.  This legislation would extend Medicare coverage of immunosuppressive drugs for transplant recipients who are under age 65 and who under current law lose their Medicare 36 months after receiving their transplant.  H.R. 2969 has nearly 100 cosponsors and S. 1454 has 15 cosponsors!  If you have not previously done so, please contact your congressional delegation using our e-advocacy system to request their support (or to thank them if they are already a cosponsor).  Thank you!

Until next time may the Lord carry us on our journey for a kidney for Ken,