What a journey this has been and still is but things certainly look different with a husband who now has a beautiful kidney functioning normally. There are so many visible physical changes in Ken but it is the “inner peace” that to me is the BEST!!!!! I wanted to thank all of you again for following this journey with us. We read all your comments and knew we had hundreds of people praying for Ken and Alex. Your prayers were answered and so were ours. Thank you God!!!!!
As I look back on the surgery I wanted to share some moments with you. I call these my “snapshots” of this amazing journey. I think you will see the wide range of emotions we experienced this past week. Sit back and laugh a little and cry a little as you read about the “moments” of September 10th .
3:30 am – Everyone was anxious but surprisingly all slept pretty well. Ken was humming a song – Oh What a Beautiful Morning. I smiled.
8:00 am - Awaiting surgery, Ken and Alex were across the hall from each other. Family members could go into each room. Humor is so important to both our families so the jokes were flying between Ken and Alex. After they took Alex to surgery Kelly came into her dad’s room. She sat next to me put her head down and started to cry quietly. I was rubbing her back and when I looked up Ken was staring right at Kelly. He kept whispering, “ Is she ok?” I could see the pain in his eyes. He told me it was tearing his heart out. As we said goodbyes I knew this was on his mind but I looked at him and said, “This is what you wanted. This is it. I will see you in a few hours. I love you!”
4:00pm - Recovery room visit – Greg and I went to see Ken. The first moment I saw him was magical – his color, his urine output, his voice and his HUGE smile!!!! His first question was, “How is Alex and how is Kelly? It ripped my heart out to see her cry.” The conflicting emotions of wanting that kidney for a better quality of life and wanting to protect your daughter from pain and sorrow were heartbreaking. I still get tears in my eyes when I think of that moment.
8:30pm - First visit for Alex and Ken on the transplant floor – Alex had been in his room for about 4 hours. Ken had just been brought up from recovery. The nurse was walking Alex down the hallway to Ken’s room. Alex was on powerful pain meds and seemed out of it. Ken had a terrible dry mouth from all the medicines administered during surgery that caused his upper lip to stick to his gum above his front teeth – this made him look like he had fake protruding teeth. When he spoke it sounded like he had a mouth full of cotton. When he saw Alex he mumbled, “You are my hero!” Alex in pain looked at him with his wide eyes and said, “I hate you.”
This new journey is just beginning. Ken’s quest for a better quality of life has begun. We know there will be many bumps in the road as Ken’s body adjusts to the anti-rejection drugs. We know there will be challenges along the way but we can face them now with a kidney that is functioning perfectly in his body. Keep the prayers coming. Ken is going to the clinic for blood work and doctor visits 2 to 3 times a week. He needs to build up his strength and energy levels. He is still not having visitors at the house but does enjoy phone calls. During the next few weeks Ken, Alex, Stefanie and Kelly will be writing their thoughts during this journey. It will be so interesting to hear their feelings.
Until the next time, may the Lord carry us on our journey,
I shared something in my blog today that I think will bless you all. I mentioned (my brother-in-law). I pray that it blesses you. Go to: www.seegraceintheword.blogspot.com