Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Blessings of Life's Transitions

Kidney Walk 2014
On a beautiful Fall morning this past weekend we participated in our 4th Kidney Walk in Audubon Park.  It is amazing to think back on this journey we began so long ago.  Looking at the pictures throughout the last four years brought back so many memories - some good and some not so good.  There were many medical setbacks that Ken endured but there were always prayers, support and love from those around us.  God has blessed us with an amazing family and awesome friends who continue to support us.  We don't ever walk this journey of life alone - we walk with all of you and we thank all of you.
Kidney Walk 2013
So much has happened since the last blog.  In June, Ken's job at the bank was eliminated.  It was a tough time for him.  He had worked hard all his life and figured he would work for three or four more years.  God had other plans.  I know I say it many times but I will say it again - "When God closes one door He opens another."  Around the same time, my friend and business partner, Joanne,  decided she needed to go back into teaching.  I needed to figure out how I was going to carry on the business by myself.  Could I do it alone?  Would it work without Joanne?  God had the solution.  Ken would be the perfect "Ralph the Roach."  That might seem easier than it really was, as Ken's job now required him to learn to be different characters in our books.  You see, we don't read our stories at schools.  We perform them.  I guess being married for 42 years came in handy though as it has been a successful pairing thus far.  We truly are the married couple - Ralph and Roxanne Roach. 

Kidney Walk 2012
All of this made me think about transitions in our lives.  We all face them as we enter into different stages of life.  It happens to all of us whether we want it or not.  How we approach these changes in our lives can make all the difference in the world.  My mom was such a huge role model in my life.  I remember her telling me that life is filled with changes.  You have two ways to face them because they will happen.  You can get angry and fight it or you can open your arms and welcome your "new life." With lots of prayers and encouragement from our children we are enjoying this "new life."  We see our transitions as blessings!

Kidney Walk 2011

Sure, Ken still has blood work done every other Tuesday.  And yes, we still await the results anxiously. But now there is a certain peace there that no matter the results we will get through it.  We continue to ask for your prayers.  We are thankful for each day God gives us and we treasure our time together with family and friends. We pray for all of you daily!

Until the next time may the Lord carry us on our journey,

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