Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Meal and More Updates

Hi everyone,

As Ken enjoys his very first meal with his new kidney (doesn't he look great?!), I wanted to update everyone on what has been a busy morning. The doctors named him the "model patient"  and having that "strong McLean kidney"  made it possible.  Ken is slowly feeling better but this will take time. The best medicine for Ken has been the messages and emails you sent to him through our blog and facebook pages. Last night he asked me to read the messages we got throughout the day instead of a bedtime story :)  He was totally overwhelmed and wanted me to thank each and every one of you for your love and support.  In the future Ken will be answering emails and phone calls but right now we ask you to give him time to rest and heal. In other good news, we are happy to say Alex has been cleared to go home!  This amazing young man continues to be our inspiration and we are proud and honored to call him family.

Until the next time.....



  1. You look great, Uncle Ken!! Praying that you feel better and stronger every day. Keep it up! We are very happy to hear that Alex is ready to go home, too. May you both enjoy a speedy recovery! Godspeed.

    Lauren (Nolan) Karl

  2. Followed all day yesterday your progress. Glad you are doing well. I'm sure Alex knows that Pebble Beach is not to far from San Francisco.
    Doug and Sharon Delord

  3. You look great Mr. Roig!! So happy for all of you and for Alex that everything was such a huge success. I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Much Love,
    Beth McLean

  4. Hey Ken!!!!! lookin' sharp buddy! heard you were a rockstar patient and it's good to see that smile! i'm so happy for you and SLOP, you're a trooper. I miss you guys so much and i'm so fortunate to know such awesome heros. Prayers for a speedy recovery. We'll be standin up and gettin crunk in NO TIME!!!!!

    Bridget Doory
